Defensive driving : The ultimate guide


Defensive driving is a style that is adapted to each driver’s environment. It was created to help drivers anticipate other car drivers’ mistakes and reduce the risk of accidents. Although some aspects of defensive style are covered at the driving school, we felt it was necessary to go deeper into this issue to ensure your safety.

The Smith system of defensive driving

The Smith system was invented in 1950 by Harold Smith to increase traffic safety. The system is usually used by drivers and has five principles:

  1. Aim High – Maintaining a high level of awareness of the dangers and traffic ahead not only prevents rear-end incidents but also signals to other drivers behind you to slow down.
  2. The Big Picture – Keep an eye on the other drivers. Some drivers drive in a disorganized or violent manner. Seeing the big picture allows you to foresee and avoid other people’s mistakes.
  3. Keep Your Eyes Moving – It is crucial to pay attention to other drivers and road conditions. Your alertness is maintained by moving your eyes.
  4. Leave Yourself an Out – Don’t get too near to the car in front of you; keep a safe space. You will be able to avoid a collision as a result of this. 
  5. Make Sure They See You – Make sure you’re not driving into other people’s blind spots and that they can see you. Accidents occur when drivers assume they are observed.

It’s also important to maintain calm in traffic when driving defensively. Aggressive driving is not only illegal, but it also frequently results in accidents. If you see someone driving aggressively, it’s best to let them pass you to not compromise your visibility and safety.

Another important component is fatigue. When you are not well-rested, your concentration and reflexes suffer greatly, and you are unable to react quickly. Avoid driving if you are tired or late at night.

Make sure you have the first aid kit, reflective triangles, fire extinguisher, and reflective vest in your car, and before you set off, check the expiration date of the first aid kit and fire extinguisher. Take a blanket, a bag of salt, non-slip chains, and a shovel with you if you’re going on a winter trip (read more about winter driving), and if you don’t have the correct tyres for the season, we’ll be ready for you with the greatest deals.

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